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Chief Directorate: Secretariat for Safety and Security
Exercises oversight over the conduct, effectiveness and efficacy of law enforcement agencies in the Province.
Safety and Security directorates and their functions:
Conducts relevant research to inform stakeholders, influence community safety resource allocation to the Province and to contribute towards the development of relevant policies.
Legislatively mandated directorate to monitor police conduct, oversee the effectiveness and efficiency of the police service, assess the effectiveness of visible policing and report on this to the Provincial Executive to facilitate police accountability. The aim is to contribute towards the professionalism of the police service, through effective oversight.
Promotes safety within communities by raising awareness and building capacity to be able to respond to safety concerns. Safety is also increased through sustainable partnerships with community-based safety organisations.
The Directorate Community Police Relations aims to promote good relations between the police and the community by facilitating the capacitation and functioning of safety partners.
Community Police Relations will through its Neighbourhood Watch Safety component supports this vision by facilitating the administration and implementation of Section 6 (Accreditation and Support of Neighbourhood Watches) of the Western Cape Community Safety Act (WCCSA) of 2013. This division also promotes good relations between the SAPS, CPF and all safety partners.