What is a Sector?A sector is an area of the economy in which businesses share the same or related business activity, product, or service. Sectors represent a large grouping of companies with similar business activities, such as the extraction of natural resources and agriculture. Dividing the economy into different sectors helps economists analyze the economic activity within those sectors. The economy is categorized into the following sectors: 1. Agriculture, forestry and fishing; 2. Mining and quarrying; 3. Manufacturing; 4. Electricity, gas and water; 5. Construction; 6. Wholesale and retail trade, catering and accommodation; 7. Transport, storage and communication; 8. Finance, insurance, real estate and business services; 9. Community, social and personal services; 10. General government. Who are we?The Sector Development programme is responsible for stimulating economic growth in tradable sectors through, tangible programmes, industry support measures, and the implementation of sector growth strategies. This will result in an increase in economic activity and job creation in prioritised sectors of the Western Cape economy. The programme also provides resources to the tourism, trade and investment promotion public entity i.e. Wesgro to deliver on its mandate. Our ServicesThe sector support initiatives is related to six key services offered by each sector:
1. Policy To understand the policy environment, identify policy gaps and development of new policies. 2. Research and Sector Insights To develop sector intelligence and collate research being done in order to publish data and research online. 3. Investment and Trade Development To identify the needs per sector in terms of trade development for companies to be export ready as well as investment readiness and related interventions for municipalities, etc. 4. Destination Management and Marketing To facilitate the implementation of an integrated tourism strategy that will lead to sustained and increased growth and job creation in the tourism industry. 5. Industry Action Platforms To create platforms for engagement with industry partners to play an effective role in each eco-system. 6. Identification and co-ordination of catalytic sector interventions To identify opportunities per sector and co-ordinate the catalytic opportunities transversally across DEDAT. 7. Industry Incentives To link National incentives and funding opportunities available to each industry. Priority SectorsPriority sectors that are supported within the Western Cape include: Our TeamFor more information on the ESS Chief Directorate, please contact: Ilse van Schalkwyk Chief Director: Economic Sector Support Ilse.vanSchalkwyk@westerncape.gov.za O21 483 9494 Goodwell Dingaan Director: Agri - Processing Goodwell.Dingaan@westerncape.gov.za Jacques Stoltz Director: Tourism Jacques.Stoltz@westerncape.gov.za Marthinus van Wyk Deputy Director: Manufacturing Marthinus.VanWyk@westerncape.gov.za Khotso Morudi Deputy Director: Finance and Business Services Sector |