Registering a Private Hospital | Western Cape Government

Registering a Private Hospital


Every private hospital or unattached operating theatre needs to be registered. When the facility is registered the Department of Health will issue the owner of the facility a certificate of registration, which needs to be renewed before 31 December each year.


The registration of private hospitals is dealt with under the updated regulations governing private hospitals and unattached operating theatre units.


A private hospital registration can only be issued if:

  • The premises are suitable and adequate.
  • The management of the facility will not be in a manner that is detrimental to the physical, mental or moral welfare of the patients or staff.
  • The staff will comply with accepted standards.
  • The person in charge will be registered as a medical practitioner.
  • A registered nurse will be in charge of the nursing service.
  • Such registration is in the public interest.


When you apply for a registration, you must provide a description of the premises including location, the nature of the treatment to be rendered there, the population groups of the staff and communities likely to use the services of the facility. You may be requested to supply additional information.

For more information contact the Department of Health:
PO Box 2060, Cape Town, 8000
Tel: 021 483 3303
Fax: 021 483 6155

Provided by:
Government Body: (Western Cape Government)
The content on this page was last updated on 15 September 2017