Description: |
This clinic assesses and manages preschool children who have developmental delays or are at risk of developmental delays. What is developmental delay? Any child with delayed milestones. For example: delayed walking (not walking by 18 months) or delayed talking (not using any words by two years). Resources: 1. An Autism Western Cape counsellor is available during the Tuesday clinic 2. Family Counsellors: 3. Child Care Information Centre:
The CCIC handles queries on all matters relating to child care, from health to education; child abuse to parent support groups. The toy library provides early intervention for children who have intellectual disabilities, such as Down Syndrome, or developmental delay from birth to pre-school. |
Instructions: |
Developmental Clinic: Child Care Information Centre: Venue: S8 Please remember to bring:
Collect your child's folder from S1 at the entrance to outpatients before visiting the clinic. This is a good time to check with the clerk that your details are correct. If you missed an appointment or are not booked you need to go to S12 first. Collect medication prescribed at the Community Health Centre (or Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital pharmacy only if arranged) before the medication you have runs out. Discuss with the doctor before stopping any medication. Ensure all personal and contact details are correct at each visit. Going on Holiday or leaving the country? Remember to collect extra medication or a referral letter. Having difficulty obtaining medication at the Community Health Centre? Inform our pharmacy. Inform all clinics if your child has an appointment at more than one clinic on the same day. For the past 37 years the Child Care Information Centre (CCIC) has gathered and disseminated information about services in the wider Cape Town area for children with special needs, so that those working with them can provide appropriate and realistic services. The 11th edition of the Directory of Services is an invaluable online resource for any professional or parent looking for services for children in need. For more information about services for children with special needs: Developmental Paediatric Team: Sessional Staff: Receptionist: Greta Langley
Provided At: |
These facility categories: And these facilities: |
Government Body: | (Department of Health and Wellness, Western Cape Government) |
Price: |
Fair Payment: To make sure you don't pay more than you should bring some proof such as payslip, UIF, All Pay card, Affidavit if unemployed. |