Public Participation in Provincial Parliament | Western Cape Government

Public Participation in Provincial Parliament


The public is encouraged to participate in the proceedings of the Provincial Parliament.


You can participate by:

  • voting in the elections
  • observing parliamentary proceedings
  • making submissions or representations on draft legislation
  • attending and participating in public hearings.

What's being discussed in Provincial Parliament

You can find out what issues are on the parliamentary or committee agendas by viewing the Parliamentary Diary and Papers of the House. Public hearings are also advertised in the Parliamentary Diary and in the local press.

Visiting Provincial Parliament

If you want to observe proceedings, you can visit Parliament. The times and venues of plenary sittings, committee meetings and public hearings are indicated in the Parliamentary Diary. Parliament also offers short tours of the building.

Making a submission

You can make written submissions to Provincial Parliament on any matter for which submissions have been invited. The submissions are referred to the relevant committee, which decides whether oral evidence should be heard.

A submission can be:

  • posted
  • delivered by hand
  • submitted online

Visit the Provincial Parliament website for details on making submissions


You can also hand a written request or complaint to Parliament in the form of a petition. The petition can be signed by a single person or by a large group of people.

You can submit petitions online.

Contact details

For more information, you can also contact the Provincial Parliament:

Telephone: 021 487 1600
Fax: 021 487 1696


Provided by:
Government Body: (Western Cape Government)
The content on this page was last updated on 24 October 2023