SACE promotes the implementation of the Continuing Profession Teacher Development System geared towards the improvement of classroom practice, as this will go a long way to influence learner performance.
The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) expressed its satisfaction with the commitment shown by the teachers to training and professional development.
Western Cape Education Minister Donald Grant said that teachers have demonstrated unwavering commitment to developing their skills by flocking to training programmes and by registering for specialised courses offered by the WCED.
"Over and above the Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) training and literacy and numeracy training presented by the department, more than 50 formal and intensive courses were on offer at our Cape Teaching and Leadership Institute (CTLI) this year, providing training for over 4 600 educators," said Minister Grant.
The national Department of Basic Education (DBE) reiterated its commitment to teacher recruitment and training. The department has invited all appropriately qualified individuals seeking either permanent or temporary employment in public schools in South Africa to register for the Qualified Educators Recruitment Database.
To register for the programme, candidates should complete the application form and attach certified copies of teaching qualifications. Candidates with qualifications awarded in higher education institutions outside South Africa, must attach, in addition to certificates, an academic transcript.
The completed form and attached certificates should be posted to:
The Directorate
Education Human Resource, Planning, Provisioning and Monitoring
Department of Basic Education
Private Bag X895
Once the department has received all of the required information, candidates' names will be announced towards the end of 2012.