Western Cape Tenders | Western Cape Government

Western Cape Tenders

The Western Cape Provincial Tender Site provides you with up-to-date and relevant information on awarded and open tenders, as well as useful supporting information, links, tips on tendering and much more.

What is a Tender or Bid?

A tender is an offer to do work or supply goods at a fixed price. Getting goods or services is also known as "procurement". In January 2004, government began referring to tenders as "bids". When government "puts out a tender" or "invites bids", this means that government asks the public for price offers to do work or supply goods.

Shop owner

What is the Tender Process?

Government considers who to choose based on the prices offered, and the nature of the person or company making the tender. The tender or bid process is designed to ensure that the work to be done for government is distributed in a fair way. There are a number of policies, known as "procurement policies" with special mention of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (PPPFA), that guides government on how to make decisions on which tender to accept. Although price is very important in the decision on which tender or bid to accept, it is not the only factor taken into account.

Once government accepts a tender, it is binding on both parties. This means that the person or company that won the tender has to provide the goods or services in the manner agreed to, and at the price offered, and government must pay the agreed price at the agreed time. In other words, once accepted, a tender is a binding contract.

Where Can I Find Out About Tenders or Bids

Tenders at all levels of government - national, provincial and local - must be advertised. You can find the listing of all national and provincial government tenders currently available in the Government Tender Bulletin, which is published every Friday. The bulletin is available online on the National Treasury website or the SA Government Online website.

You can also subscribe by post to the Government Tender Bulletin for R39.32 a year by contacting the Government Printer:

Government Printer
Private Bag X85, Bosman Street, Pretoria, 0001

  • For Verbal Quotations (R2 001 to R10 000): These can be sourced by means of telephonic enquiries from possible suppliers.
  • For Tradeworld (Purchasing System) (R10 001 to R500 000): The Western Cape Government (WCG) uses an independent third party called Quadrem/TradeWorld, to distribute their Request for Quotations (RFQs), under R500 000, to the WCG supplier database. These RFQs together with many others, including formal tenders nationally, are available through a subscription service called TradeWorld Leads and Tenders. Results of RFQs awarded are also available to subscribers on the TradeWorld website.
  • For Competitive Bids (R500 001 and above): Tenders for the Western Cape Government are published in the Government Tender Bulletin and also published on the National Government page.

How Do I Complete a Tender or Bid?

Each tender or bid advert indicates where you can collect the documents you need to fill in to submit your tender, and where they should be submitted. The advert also indicates a closing date. No late tenders can be accepted. Look out for any compulsory site meetings or any other special conditions of contract, because non-compliance can disqualify you.

  • Tenders or bids have to be in writing. Each tender has a number of associated forms that must accompany the tender you submit.
  • The specific forms you require for your tender should be listed in the tender documentation.
  • You should consider very carefully how you fill in these forms. Get advice if you are unsure of anything.
  • Once you have all of the forms completed and signed, place your tender in an envelope with the tender number on it. Deliver your tender before the closing time to the place specified when the tender was advertised.

Tips for Tendering

  • Always provide all the information requested in the tender application. Do not forget things like your tax clearance certificate and shareholding certificates.
  • It is important that the calculations of tender prices is correct.
  • Always sign your bid document. Unsigned documents are unresponsive and will therefore be disqualified.
  • If you are an HDI, remember to claim your points. Points unclaimed are points lost!
  • Make sure that you drop the tender into the right box, before the closing time. By law, no late bids will be accepted, not even one second past the closing time.
  • If samples are requested, sufficient amounts must be supplied to enable the item to be evaluated under the appropriate technical or clinical conditions. Ensure that any requirements related to compliance with SABS specifications are met.

Tips From the Procurement Officials

  • Always read through the bid documents carefully.
  • Complete the document in full.
  • Do a proper cost analysis when calculating your bid prices. Bids calculated too high or too low are considered unresponsive.
  • Enquire about the bid and obtain all the relevant information before completing the tender document.
  • Feel free to ask why you were unsuccessful so that you may learn from mistakes made.
  • Make sure that you are able to meet all of the requirements within the specified time and are able to honour your offer in the event that your bid is successful.
  • Do not make any misrepresentations or false statements in your bid documentation. It is a legal document and therefore enforceable by law.
  • Quality services and products will improve your track record and good standing with the department. Poor delivery creates a negative impression not only for your business but for all small businesses in general.

Who To Contact?

If you need help, contact the provincial contacts for procurement, or contact your nearest tender advice centre for free assistance.

Additional Information

business people

Local Government Tenders

The City of Cape Town advertises its tenders in Cape Town newspapers in their classifieds section on Fridays in the legal section. The municipalities may advertise in the Government Tender Bulletin (GTB) as well. The five district councils and 24 local councils in the Western Cape are required to advertise their tenders in local newspapers and in public places, such as libraries and council noticeboards. You can also contact a local council directly to find out about local tenders or search for their listings on the City of Cape Town website.

Western Cape Supplier Database

The Western Cape Government also has a contract with Quadrem/TradeWorld to populate and maintain a supplier database, called the Western Cape Supplier Database (WCSD) which can be requested by e-mail: supplierdatabase@quadrem.com. This database is shared with the City of Cape Town.

This shared database serves as the registration base for all suppliers wishing to conduct business with both the City of Cape Town and Provincial Government of the Western Cape.

If you are already registered with the City of Cape Town, you do not need to re-register. In order to be registered and approved on the Western Cape Supplier Database free of charge, please collect a registration form from:

Address 1: 5th Floor, Tower Block, Civic Centre, Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town
Address 2: Provincial Treasury, 3rd Floor, 15 Wale Street, Cape Town

Western Cape Supplier Database Call Centre
Tel: 0861 225 577

E-mail: supplierdatabase@quadrem.com.

Prospective tenderers can also download the Western Cape Supplier Database (WCSD) registration form or visit the Quadrem/TradeWorld website, http://www.tradeworld.net.

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The content on this page was last updated on 14 October 2014