The proposals component of the SDF consists of the following elements:
Each of these components will now be discussed in more detail.
The Mossel Bay Bioregional Spatial Planning Framework (BSPF) forms the basis for the evaluation of land use planning proposals withing the rural areas outside the "confines" of the respective urban and rural nodes. The framework which covers the full extent of Municipal Area is amongst others based on a satellite imagery analysis of existing broad land use patterns, which in turn were utilised to determine the respective Bioregional Spatial Planning Categories and Sub-categories as provided for in the Draft Bioregional Planning Framework for the Western Cape.
It is projected that the population of the Mossel Bay Municipal Area could grow between 3.5% to 7.0% per annum up to 2011. In order to spatially accommodate the projected growth in population, a Spatial Growth Management Framework (SGMF) is proposed for the Mossel Bay Municipal Area. The primary objective of the SGMF is to promote the optimum use of land and to maximise the use of existing infrastructure, so as to limit urban sprawl and conserve natural areas.
The SGMF consists of a number of core components which in conjunction with one another will serve to manage, control and direct the future spatial growth patterns within the Mossel Bay Municipal Area.
An Urban and Rural Node Hierarchy
The purpose of the proposed urban and rural hierarchy is to inform Council's decision making with regard to:
Urban edges
By definition the purpose of an urban edge is to define and direct the outer limits of urban development for a specified period of time. The primary objective of the proposed urban edges as defined for the various settlements is to provide for a mechanism to manage, direct and control urban growth so as to limit urban sprawl (but not development) and conserve the environmental attributes which make the coastal region of the Mossel Bay Municipal Area such an attractive tourist and holiday destination.
A Density Policy
The purpose of the proposed density policy is to allow for the selective densification of existing settlements based on a set of density schedules which prescribe minimum erf sizes to be accommodated in the various town extensions.
The SDF also provide various urban, rural and natural environment based land use proposals. These proposals amongst others include provision for residential, commercial and industrial growth, identifying and managing scenic routes and so called gateways as part of a strategy to retain and protect the rural character of the Municipal Area, as well as proposals with regard to the management of the natural environment, as contained in the Environmental Status Quo Report prepared for the Mossel Bay Municipal Area.
This article concludes the series on the preparation of the SDF for the Mossel Bay Municipal Area.
A series of public meetings will be held during November 2003, throughout the Municipal Area at which the SDF will be presented. Members of the public will also be provided with a opportunity of no less that 60 days to scrutinise and provide written comment on the SDF. Formal advertisements will be placed so as to inform the public of the time and venues for the various public meetings, as well how and where the SDF documentation can be viewed or obtained.