Types of personal information we collect and use | Western Cape Government

Types of personal information we collect and use

  • We collect general personal and contact information about our employees, suppliers and users of public services and facilities, such as name, address, phone number and email address. We do not necessarily collect all of this information.
  • We may collect more detailed or sensitive information about you where this is typical or necessary in certain situations, such as date of birth, identity number, race or ethnic origin, disability, gender, or marital status.
  • Job applicants and employees: We usually collect detailed personal information about your educational, employment, financial and criminal background, and any other relevant information such as images of you, fingerprints, drivers licence details, vehicle registration number, tax number and bank account details. If we employ you, we will also allocate you a unique identifier called a PERSAL number. We may also need further information about matters such as health issues and family members, where relevant to the employment relationship.
  • Suppliers, service providers, contractors and consultants: We often collect detailed personal information about your qualifications, experience or suitability as a supplier, and other relevant information such as bank account details and VAT number. We may also need further information relevant to the business relationship, such financial statements or information about solvency.
  • Visitors to our buildings and facilities: We usually collect close circuit television (CCTV) images (and audio recordings, where applicable) of visitors to WCG buildings and facilities, as well as names, identity numbers and contact details.
  • Citizens and users of public services: We collect (or allocate) and use personal information that is relevant and necessary for specific government services you receive. For example, if you are receiving:

The above are merely examples and do not cover all possible situations. If you are concerned about the collection of your personal information, please ask the Information Officer or Deputy Information Officer about our policies, practices and procedures in this regard.

The content on this page was last updated on 28 August 2023