Mosselbay Municipality | Western Cape Government

Mosselbay Municipality

BEE Procurement Opportunities within Municipality


All Tenders and Closed Quotations are advertised on our municipal website and are updated at least 2-3 times a week. Points for BEE contractors are given in terms of applicable legislation. Tenders have a value of more than R200 000, including VAT and Closed Quotations have a value of less than R200 000, including VAT.

Tenders and Quotations

All Tenders and Closed Quotations are advertised on the Municipal Website Follow the "Procurement link" on the left hand side. All Tenders are also advertised in the local news paper and when necessary in news papers that is distributed provincially or nationally. Construction-related Tenders are also advertised on the CIDB website. Some Closed Quotations are advertised in the local news paper.



For more information contact:
Supply Chain Management switch board
Tel: 044 606-5192
Head: Supply Chain Management:
Elize Nel

The content on this page was last updated on 15 March 2014