Overberg District Municipality | Western Cape Government

Overberg District Municipality

BEE Procurement Opportunities within Municipality


The Municipality adopted a supply chain management policy in line with the treasury procurement regulations.

  • Procurement under R30 000 is done with service providers registered on the database.
  • Three written quotations must be obtained for Procurement above R2000.00.
  • Procurement over R30 000 and under R200 000 is done by advertising on the municipal website. Procurement above R200 000 is done according to the tender process and points given according the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act.

Tenders and quotations are advertised using a variety of medium of communication:

  • Less than R30 000 "quotation" directly requested from the Service Provider
  • Amounts above R30 000 - R200 000 are referred to as "official quotation" advertised on the website as per regulation and advertised on the notice boards
  • Over R200 000 go on a formal tender process

The Municipality makes use of its website, community and Municipal notice boards, local and national newspapers, the CIDB for construction related tenders and the SITA for IT related tenders.

Service Providers are urged to register on the Municipality SCM database. The Municipality subscribe to BBBEEE principles and practices as outlined in the IDP, giving people equal opportunities to grow and participate in the economy of the area.



For more information contact:

Supply Chain Manager: Mr. D Lambrechts
Office: 028 4251157
Cell: 0824435409
E-mail: dlambrechts@odm.org.za

The content on this page was last updated on 15 March 2014