Is Your Business Legally Registered? | Western Cape Government

Is Your Business Legally Registered?

There are a range of different business types including a Close Corporation, a company, a co-operative etc. You need to know which business type is most appropriate to your business.

2. How Does the Department of Labour Affect My Business?

There are certain laws regulating the hiring, management and dismissal of workers. It is important to know the law, be aware of your rights as an employer, as well as the rights of the people you employ.

3. Tax and the South African Revenue Service

Any new business must register for tax purposes in terms of VAT, employees tax and income tax.

4. Trading Licences

Some kinds of business need trade licences:

  • Sale of meals and perishable foods from business premises.
  • Sale of takeways and perishable foods from the roadside.
  • Certain classes of health facilities and entertainment (discos, movies).
The content on this page was last updated on 5 September 2013