Government and its various operational arms (SARS, the Dti, municipalities and Department of Labour) have been working hard to create the correct legislative environment to stimulate economic development. To complement this, many incentive programmes have also been created to follow through the implementation of the policies. These support mechanisms are mentioned here.
Aim of the Dti and its incentive schemes
The Dti aims to create a fair, competitive and efficient marketplace for domestic and foreign businesses as well as for consumers.
Read about funding incentives offered by the Dti here. These schemes cover many, if not all sectors, from mining to manufacturing to land reform.
If you need more information, you can download a comprehensive list of schemes here.
Companies and Intellectual Property Registration Office of South Africa (CIPRO)
CIPRO, or the Companies and Intellectual Property Registration Office of South Africa, is based in Pretoria at the dti headquarters. The services it offers to a business include:
For example, once you have a name that has been accepted by CIPRO, this name is protected by the law and those who may try and harm it through imitation can be stopped.
The process you need to go through in the registering of a business name is described here.
Find the CIPRO name search and main website here.
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