Find out how the Western Cape Government's departments will be spending their allocated budget.
Provincial budget speech for 2023
Western Cape Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities, Mireille Wenger, tabled the 2023/24 Provincial Budget on 14 March 2023. In her speech she outlined the provincial government's priority spending plan for the next financial year, "in pursuit of realising a future full of hope in the Province".
Over the three-year Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) we will spend R242.31 billion in the Western Cape.
Departmental budget speeches
Each provincial department is allocated a budget that is used to deliver services in the province, and to help the province reach its Provincial Strategic Goals.
In their budget presentations to provincial parliament, the provincial ministers outline how their budget allocation will be spent in their department.
Find out how the provincial departments plan to spend their 2023 budgets, and how these plans may impact you in the year ahead. You can view each of the provincial budget speeches below, as soon as they become available: