The 2015 State of the Province Address | Western Cape Government

The 2015 State of the Province Address

Premier Zille delivering SoPA 2015

On Friday, 20 February 2015, Premier Helen Zille tabled her seventh State of the Province Address at the official opening of the second session of the fifth Western Cape Provincial Parliament
During the State of the Province address, the Premier will outline the Western Cape Government's achievements over the past year and also highlight key priorities for 2015 and beyond.


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What is the State of the Province Address (SoPA)?

  • The State of the Province Address is a speech made by the Premier or provincial head.
  • The event usually marks the official opening of the Provincial Parliament.
  • The speech is delivered in front of members of the provincial executive, including the Speaker, Deputy Speaker and the Secretary.

Who can attend?

  • Only invited guests and members of the provincial parliament can attend the event.

Read more of Premier Zille's previous State of the Province Addresses:

WCG LogoThe Western Cape Government is committed to providing all citizens the opportunity to improve their quality of life and the chance to realise their potential. Here's what we pledge to our citizens to make the Western Cape Better Together

"As Government, we believe in a society in which every person is free, secure and equal.

Where everyone has access to services, the opportunity to improve their quality of life and the chance to realise their potential.

To make this a reality, we need to transcend the past, remove the divisions that prevent us from moving forward, break down the barriers that hold us back and build the foundations that make progress possible for all.

But as government, we cannot do this alone. We need each and every citizen to work with us, to take advantage of the opportunities available, because with everyone’s eyes we can see all sides of the problem. With everyone’s hands, we can make lighter the load and together we can stand up, be counted and take the steps toward real change.

Together, we are safer. Together, we are stronger. Together, we are healthier, more secure, more accountable for our actions.

As individuals.

As Communities.

As a province.

We are Better Together."

An Open Opportunity Society for All

The Western Cape Provincial Strategic Plan (PSP) sets out how we aim to help create an enabling environment for higher economic growth, increased jobs, improved education and health outcomes, and build better living environments for our citizens so that we can realise our vision of an open opportunity society for all.

The 5 Provincial Strategic Goals (PSGs) contained in the PSP are:

  1. Create opportunities for growth and jobs
    We are committed to creating an enabling environment to attract investment, grow the economy and create jobs by supporting high growth economic sectors.
  2. Improve education outcomes and opportunities for youth development
    We’re committed to expanding quality education across the province and providing opportunities for youth to realise their full potential.
  3. Increase wellness and safety, and tackle social ills
    We’re committed to addressing health, safety and social ills by supporting healthy communities, a healthy workforce, and healthy families, youth and children.
  4. Enable a resilient, sustainable, quality and inclusive living environment 
    We’re committed to improving urban and rural areas through enhanced management of land, an enhanced climate change plan, and better living conditions for all.
  5. Embed good governance and integrated service delivery through partnerships and spatial alignment 
    We’re committed to delivering good governance and an inclusive society that increases access to information, in partnership with active citizens, business and institutions.

Media Enquiries: 

Michael Mpofu
Spokesperson for Premier Helen Zille
Tel: 021 483 4584
Cell: 071 564 5427

The content on this page was last updated on 20 January 2016