On 11 November 2017 the Minister for Cultural Affairs and Sport, Anroux Marais, officiated at the Western Cape Initiation Consultative Meeting at the Strand Towers Hotel in Cape Town.
Approximately 100 representatives from across the province who are related to the official Western Cape initiation forums, established by the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport (DCAS), took part in the occasion. The representatives had the opportunity to associate with key role-players regarding the sustainability of this sacred customary practice.
Chief Director for Cultural Affairs, Guy Redman, welcomed the delegates and encouraged them to participate in productive and fruitful discussions. He stressed the value and the vital impact of traditional leaders who are the custodians of these sacred practices.
Minister Marais highlighted the significant role of parents and communities and emphasised the collaboration with the DCAS initiation forums. “I thank you for your cooperation and all your efforts to ensure the safety of initiates while the traditional cultural practice was effectively observed”, she said. The complete speech is available online.
Prof Monwabisi Ralarala from CPUT facilitated core topics such as the National Customary Initiation Bill and the application for land use. A line-up of speakers such as Sam Khandlela from the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA), Monwabisi Mtyiwazo from Cape Nature and Msokoli Qotole from the Department of Health also shared valuable information about the effective rite of passage from childhood to responsible adulthood and citizenship.
DCAS encourages communities to collaborate with its initiation forums. Let us continue to proudly preserve our traditional cultural practices in the Western Cape, BETTER TOGETHER.
Stacy McLean
Spokesperson for Minister Anroux Marais
Email: Stacy.McLean@westerncape.gov.za
Tel: 021 483 4426
Cell: 083 504 1171