On 22 September 2017, the Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport (DCAS) in partnership with Old Mutual, Nedbank and Peninsula Beverages hosted the Eden Better Together Games at the Van Riebeeck Stadium in Mossel Bay. The picturesque venue saw enthusiastic employees of Western Cape Government and other government institutions gathered for a day of sporting fun.
During the opening proceedings the participants were addressed by Mossel Bay Municipality’s Executive Mayor, Harry Levendal. He welcomed participants to the games and wished them an enjoyable day. DCAS Chief Director of Sport and Recreation Dr Lyndon Bouah also shared a few words by encouraging participants to continue to remain active and healthy especially leading up to National Recreation Day on 6 October 2017. “On behalf of DCAS I thank you very much for attending”, concluded Dr Bouah.
The games kicked off with the traditional march-past, after which the Fun Run and Walk got underway. The various sporting codes on the day included rugby, soccer, dominoes, darts, netball, table tennis and volleyball.
The remainder of the 2017 Better Together Games will take place as follows:
Sport is a unifier and connector of people. Let us continue to participate in sport and motivate one another to achieve greatness through sport, BETTER TOGETHER
Dr Tania Colyn
Head of Communication Service
Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport
Tel: 021 483 9877 / 076 093 4913
E-mail: Tania.Colyn@westerncape.gov.za