Minister Madikizela to Address Unblocking of Housing Projects in Khayelitsha | Western Cape Government


Minister Madikizela to Address Unblocking of Housing Projects in Khayelitsha

29 October 2012

Western Cape Human Settlements Minister Bonginkosi Madikizela will deliver an address at the DAG 'Unblocking the People’s Housing Process' Case Study Launch, with a focus on some of the keys to a successful housing project. The Department of Human Settlements supports the work of DAG in contributing towards the success of housing projects, ensuring that the people who really need houses receive them in the best way possible.

DAG, or the Development Action Group, plays an important part in managing community dynamics in some housing projects. Managing community groups before a project begins is key to the success of a housing project, as many projects become blocked if the entire community is not fully on board to agree on, help drive and participate in the housing process.

The event will focus on a case study by DAG in which housing projects in Khayelitsha were unblocked. 10 projects were blocked due to the unscrupulous actions of suppliers and or community leaders. Although some subsidies and Peoples Housing Pocess ( PHP) grants were paid out, houses were not built or were incomplete and of poor quality. The projects are spread over five different areas of Khayelitsha namely; Site B, Makhaza, Town 2, Harare and old Khayelitsha.

Department of Human Settlement housing subsidies to the value of R64 million for the benefit of 2173 households in one of the poorest townships in the Cape Town City region have been unlocked due to the work of DAG. Based on an estimated household occupancy of 4 people, the unblocking project will improve the livelihoods of 8692 people in Khayelitsha. DAG’s work demonstrates the benefits of community-driven housing and its importance in deepening democratic urban governance. 

Media Enquiries: 

Bruce Oom
Spokesperson for Minister Madikizela
Cell: 072 465 5177
Tel: 021 483 6622
Fax: 021 483 3888