Mamre residents empowered with title deeds | Western Cape Government


Mamre residents empowered with title deeds

2 March 2022

Today, Western Cape Minister of Human Settlements, Tertuis Simmers assisted 7 Mamre residents to become first time, legal and fully-fledged property owners, when he handed over their title deeds.

Mamre, which is a small community situated between Atlantis and Darling, is one of twenty-four ‘Act 9 of 1987’ rural areas in the Republic of South Africa, which meant that residents could not by law own land within the area.

Minister Simmers said: “The handing over of these title deeds is empowerment in action, as it reverses a painful law, which is Act 9 of 1987 that sought to keep ownership out of the hands of our people. It was pleasing to be part of this historic occasion and heart-warming to witness the gratitude from the beneficiaries. As the Western Cape Government, we’ve now ensured that the yoke of the past is removed and placed our residents in a position where they can build the future they’ve always yearned for.”

One of the beneficiaries, Ms Juliet Adams (67) said: “This is an immense moment for me which I am truly grateful for. We’ve already encountered a few disputes, but this document puts everything to rest and now we can move forward. I thank everyone who made it possible.” 

Another couple, Mr and Mrs Justin and Bridgette Robertson who also received their title deed to a vacant property were filled with emotions. Mr Robertson said: “We’ve been waiting for this document, as now we can finally build the home we’ve always wanted. It is difficult to express how happy and thankful we are, but this is a huge highlight in our lives, and it allows us to fulfil a long-life dream. Thank you very much.”

“As the Western Cape Government, we will continue striving towards establishing an enabling environment, so that we are better placed to grant beneficiaries security of tenure and make more residents legal homeowners by handing over these title deeds,” concluded Simmers.

Media Enquiries: 

Marcellino Martin
Spokesperson for Minister Tertuis Simmers
Tel: 021 483 3397
Mobile: 082 721 3362


Nathan Adriaanse
Director Communication & Stakeholder Relations
Tell: 021 483 2868
Mobile: 083 263 1720