Informal settlement support and upgrade programme community engagements commence | Western Cape Government


Informal settlement support and upgrade programme community engagements commence

14 April 2020

Following lengthy, yet transparent and critical inter-governmental engagements, I am pleased to announce that community engagements for our Rapid Informal Settlement Support and Upgrade Programme (RISSUP)/re-blocking commenced this past weekend.

This RISSUP of informal settlements is a vital step, particularly since it will assist with social distancing. We also want residents to know that their health and well-being is our primary concern.

We have to #StopTheSpread of COVID-19.

Given the lockdown regulations, which we all have to adhere to, my Department’s Stakeholder Relations officials had an engagement with the Dunoon Ward Councillor. Over the next few days, further engagements will occur with the Ward Committee and relevant leadership structures in the area.

The community leadership will among others be informed of the criteria which will used to identify the beneficiaries for RISSUP. Critical to note, the most vulnerable, which includes the elderly, disabled and backyard dwellers will be prioritised.

Pursuant to the conclusion of these engagements, the Councillors will assist us in ensuring that the information is shared in the community, which they serve. We’ll also be issuing flyers, both manually and electronically so that a wider audience is informed of the process.

We will be following the same process with the Greater Kosovo structures.

As part of our options, we’re considering building 3-storey (see attached) Temporary Residential Units (TRU’s) in the respective Temporary Residential Area (TRA’s). This will consist of 1 500 for Dunoon and 2 000 for the Greater Kosovo.

Throughout this process, we will continue to engage and work with the National Department of Human Settlements and Water and Sanitation, the City of Cape Town and the Housing Development Agency.

As the Western Cape Government, we remain committed to accelerating human settlement delivery, while promoting social inclusion through the development of integrated, resilient, safe and sustainable human settlements in an open opportunity society.

Media Enquiries: 

Marcellino Martin
Spokesperson for Minister Tertuis Simmers
Tel: 021 483 3397
Mobile: 082 721 3362