Western Cape Disaster Management Centre Still on High Alert to Manage Fires | Western Cape Government



Western Cape Disaster Management Centre Still on High Alert to Manage Fires

30 January 2013

The Western Cape Disaster Management Centre and Fire Brigade Services remain on high alert to co-ordinate and contain the spread of fires throughout the districts.

As of Wednesday 30 January 2013, two main fires in the Province are Cederberg and Franschhoek.

The main priority is to ensure the safety of residents of the Western Cape. The Disaster Management Centre is working closely with the district municipalities, Working on Fire, (WoF), CapeNature as well as the Volunteer Wildfire Services.


There have been no flare ups in the Cederberg area for the last 18 hours. Mopping up operations are taking place. The two hotspots are Kliphuis and Karoo-Karel. The resources on standby include a spotter plane, chopper and rapid attack team should any flare ups occur.


The fire has been contained and the area had experienced some rain this morning. Mopping up operations are underway, one bulldozer is available to assist on the fire-line to mop up the area.


The fire is fairly stable and under control, flares up are being continually monitored.

The fire line is 300m burning along the mountain slopes. Temperatures are expected to reach between 26-30 degrees today with a light south-easterly wind. CapeNature teams are working above the Wemmershoek dam.

Two helicopters and 15 vehicles have been deployed to extinguish the fire. Last night fire fighters were working around the clock to try and contain the fire, while overnight dew brought some respite by minimising the movement of the fire.

Three structures, including two farm cottages sustained damaged, but the inhabitants of the properties have already returned.

City of Cape Town:

The City of Cape Town experienced 59 vegetation fires yesterday. A fire started in Simon’s Town on the slopes of the mountain on Tuesday evening at 20h08pm. Fire teams are on the scene.

“The public are urged to listen to their local authorities. People suffering from respiratory illnesses are urged to take special precautions in areas affected by smoke,” says Colin Deiner, Chief Director for Disaster Management and Fire Brigade Services.

Media Enquiries: 

Colin Deiner
Cell: 082 5506770