Today, we table “A Budget to Push Forward” so that we can get up, so that we can get out, so that we can push forward and so that we can do even better in the Western Cape.
To push forward:
To push forward:
We have held the fiscal line and are now in a position to allocate an additional R10.1 billion over the medium term in the Western Cape.
To push forward:
We do this so that we give hope to people who do not have jobs, and so that we give hope to people who feel unsafe.
We do this so that we give hope to people who struggle to reach their full potential, and so that we give hope to people who do not have access to good schools, clinics and roads.
We do this so that, in the end, we can get up, so that we can get out, so that we can push forward, and so that we can do even better in the Western Cape.
Read the full speech here.
Georgina Maree
Spokesperson for the Provincial Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities
(Responsible for the Provincial Treasury and the Department of Economic Development and Tourism)
Cell: 076 423 7541