Western Cape Provincial Traffic Services implemented a total of 96 integrated roadblock, vehicle check point and speed control operations across the province in the week of 21 to 27 September 2020, and 15 109 vehicles were stopped and checked.
A total of 291 speeding offences were recorded and 3 252 fines were issued for various traffic violations ranging from driver to vehicle fitness in the total amount of R2 748 600.
Two vehicles were impounded and 61 were discontinued for unroadworthiness.
The highest speeds recorded were as follows:
A total of 18 charges were laid under the Disaster Management Act and fines to the total value of R27 000 were issued.
National Road Traffic Act and Criminal Procedure Act
A total of 42 arrests were made for the following offences:
Fatalities recorded between 21 and 27 September 2020
A total of 26 road users were killed in crashes during the reporting period.
Because this past week included a long weekend, Provincial Traffic Services intensified operations particularly between Thursday and Sunday to deal with anticipated vehicular movements inside the Western Cape as well as travelling to other provinces.
Fifty-one Integrated operations that focused on an array of law enforcement activities were executed by our officials over the long weekend. We also ensured that our patrol areas were effectively managed and that officer deployments were adequate for the increased traffic volumes in order to to curb irresponsible and lawless driving behaviour.
These operations resulted in an increased number of discontinued vehicles as well as arrests for driving under the influence, speeding and bribery. It is alarming that motorists still do not pay heed to the rules of the road or behave in a way that secures their own safety and that of others.
Despite the deployment of traffic law enforcement officers across the Western Cape, the number of crashes remained high and claimed the lives of many people, including vulnerable road users. Pedestrians should wear reflective or visible clothing at all times. Drivers should ensure that they are vigilant, and slow down near vulnerable road users such as children and old people.
Let us share our road space responsibly and safely.
Jandré Bakker
Head of Communication
Department of Transport and Public Works
Email: Jandre.Bakker@westerncape.gov.za