Minister Schäfer wishes the 2020 matric class the best for their trial exams | Western Cape Government



Minister Schäfer wishes the 2020 matric class the best for their trial exams

16 September 2020

I would like to wish all of our matric learners the very best as they tackle their trial examinations over the next three weeks. The recommended window for the exams is 15 September to 7 October, and learners have already begun to write some of their papers this week. 

These trial exams are important as they will guide schools on which topics and subjects need additional attention in the remaining 7 weeks before the final National Senior Certificate exams start. Matrics should use this as an excellent opportunity to see what areas they need to put special effort into revising before the final exams.

While Grade 12 attendance has improved significantly, there are still a number of learners who have not come back to class without reason. It is crucial that our matrics are in class for every single school day remaining this year, and we appeal to parents to ensure that their children come back to class.

Our matrics must write and pass at the end of the year. To help them do so, the WCED has made more resources available to matrics to help them prepare for the exams than any class before them. These include:

  • 4 000 resources specifically for Grade 12s on our ePortal (
  • A dedicated matric support page on our website, which includes ‘Tips for Success’ and advice on preparing for exams, revision videos and prescribed literature lists (
  • Our Telematics programme with revision broadcasts in 14 subjects
  • Specific revision materials for self-study which will be available later this month
  • Past question papers and marking memoranda
  • Broadcast radio lessons

The Department of Basic Education is also providing support for our matrics through the Woza Matric broadcasts, the Mind the Gap study guide series aimed at bridging the gap in learners’ understanding of commonly tested concepts to improve pass rates, and the matric support package with a variety of resources, including study material, tips for parents and digital resources. More information on these resources is available on the DBE website.

I encourage each and every one of our Grade 12 learners to work hard over the next few weeks. While this has been an extremely difficult year for our learners, it is just the last of many years of schooling – and it is absolutely possible to finish their school years successfully.  This is the last stretch, and your teachers and the WCED are going to do everything that we can to support you. You can do it!

Media Enquiries: 

Kerry Mauchline
Spokesperson to Minister Debbie Schäfer
Western Cape Ministry of Education