MEC Fritz calls on public to have their say - liquor license application process | Western Cape Government



MEC Fritz calls on public to have their say - liquor license application process

30 June 2020

The Minister of Community Safety, Albert Fritz, welcomes the 82 investigations conducted by the Western Cape Liquor Authority (WCLA) between 21 March and 26 June 2020, resulting in the suspension of 34 licenses. Minister Fritz further calls on members of the public to have their say on liquor license applications within their communities.

Of the 82 investigations conducted between 21 March and 26 June:

  • 6 are under investigation;
  • 2 warnings have been issued;
  • 9 have been referred to SAPS;
  • 10 reports have been drafted;
  • 1 has been referred to the Liquor Licensing Tribunal (LLT); and
  • 34 licenses have been suspended.

Minister Fritz said, “I encourage members of the public to have their say on liquor license applications in their community. We know that liquor can have adverse effects on our communities such as domestic violence and underage drinking. Community members are best placed to advise the WCLA on the impact of alcohol on their suburbs and villages, and ultimately their loved ones.”

The WCLA ensures that communities are kept updated in terms of all liquor license applications by:

  • Advertising applications in local newspapers;
  • Enforcing that prospective liquor vendor put up a notice indicating that they are applying for a liquor license in the three official languages;
  • Sending a list of applications to the local Community Police Forums (CPF). Residents can enquire with their CPF directly.
  • Publishing applications in the government gazette;
  • Updating its website with the government gazette and local publication dates.

Residents can also visit their local police station to view new liquor license applications.

Minister Fritz added, “If you have any concerns regarding a liquor license application in your community, you are advised to contact the WCLA directly. You can call them on 021 204 9805, email or visit their website on”

Of the 33 licences that were suspended, 33 Section 71(4) return hearings and Section 20 considerations on 11 of these matters, took place of which:

  • 3 suspensions were extended pending a Section 20 consideration, while 28 suspensions were lifted by the LLT for further investigation; and
  • 2 suspensions were lifted, 1 in the High Court and 1 as part of an internal Appeal Tribunal proceeding.

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Media Enquiries: 

Cayla Ann Tomás Murray

Spokesperson for Minister Albert Fritz

Tel: 021 483 8550

Cell: 064 121 7959

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