Tabling of the Adjusted Estimates of Provincial Expenditure | Western Cape Government



Tabling of the Adjusted Estimates of Provincial Expenditure

3 December 2014

Speech by Donald Grant, Minister of Transport and Public Works

Honourable Deputy Speaker,
Cabinet colleagues,
Honourable members of the Western Cape Parliament,
Director-General and senior departmental officials,

It is my privilege to present the adjusted estimates for the Department of Transport and Public Works (DTPW) for 2014/15. I do so very conscious of the key role which this department has to play in relation to the objectives set by the Western Cape Government and as a service provider to its sister departments in this Province. The overall economic climate within which this department has to deliver these services has been clearly set out and we in this house are under no illusion as to the importance of delivering quality under difficult circumstances. This includes the maximal and responsible use of the assets under our management for economic development and the creation of employment.

Ten opsigte hiervan, het ons so vinnig as moontlik gewerk om ’n aantal belangrike senior vakante poste te vul wat vakant was toe ek die amp oorgeneem het.  Dit sal ongetwyfeld die kapasiteit van die Departement versterk om die vlak van diens te lewer wat daarvan verwag word.

Speaker, the budget of the Department of Transport and Public Works of R5 630 479 000 has been increased by an additional allocation of R319 214 000 to R5 949 639 000. This is an increase of 5.6%.

The adjustments are the following:

Increased own revenue collection in 2013/14 of R136 849 000 to be utilised for:

  • Municipal services in respect of provincial buildings  - R31 428 000.
  • Road infrastructure investment for upgrading and rehabilitation projects - R101 150 000.
  • Training of traffic students - R 671 000.
  • Design and implementation of a leading practice for vehicle testing operations, inclusive of a total quality management system for Vehicle Testing Stations and the departmental monitoring unit - R3 600 000.

Increased own revenue collection received in 2014/15 of R85 803 000:

  • Conditional allocation received from Road Traffic Management Corporation for road safety related projects - R21 158 000.
  • Conditional allocation received from Department of Cooperative Governance for immediate disaster relief pertaining to the November 2013 floods in the form of road infrastructure investment - R26 868 000.
  • Reallocation of unspent conditional allocation received from the Municipality of George to provide for operational cost in preparation of the roll out of the George Integrated Public Transport Network - R15 370 000.
  • Reallocation of unspent conditional allocation received from Winelands District to be transferred to the Drakenstein Municipality for the establishment of an impound facility - R2 407 000.
  • Provision for increased agency fees payable to Municipalities for collection of motor vehicle licence fees - R20 000 000.

Shifting of funds between Votes of R24 562 000:

  • To Vote 1: Department of the Premier for network cabling to be facilitated by the Centre for E-Innovation related to the modernisation programme and other works - R6 506 000
  • To Vote 1: Department of the Premier for Information Communication Technology services and goods for the Modernisation Programme - R3 473 000
  • To Vote 2: Provincial Parliament for network cabling related to the renovations of the 4th, 5th and 6th floors of 7 Wale street - R106 000
  • From Vote 5: Education to provide leased accommodation for the Human Resource directorates for the period of ten months in the Golden Acre building - R531 000
  • From Vote 6: Health  for the purchase of Q dotpharma building in George for a nurses’ training facility - R34 000 000
  • From Vote 9: Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning for minor work to be carried out in the ground floor boardroom, Utilitas Building for use as a video conferencing facility - R116 000

Received from Provincial Finance Asset Reserve

  • For the acquisition of properties mainly for schools and health facilities – R72 000 000

Speaker, allow me to expand briefly on a few of the aspects I have referred to in the list of adjustments.

  • The George Integrated Public Transport Network is an important first for South Africa involving as it does the George Municipality, the National Department of Transport and my department. The new buses are due to run as from this coming Monday to test the systems and the official launch has been set for February 2015.
  • For a variety of reasons the taxi industry has been subjected to all sorts of pressures and disruptions, too often characterised by violence. The DTPW has worked hard with the various taxi associations, in conjunction with the City of Cape Town, at improving the regulatory and management framework and at removing points of conflict. I should like to thank the various taxi associations for their cooperation in ensuring that the many of our citizens who use this mode of transport do so safely.
  • Ons in hierdie Provinsie neem die kwessie van padveiligheid baie ernstig op en ons is steeds bekommerd oor die aantal ongelukke op ons paaie, waarvan voetgangers by talle betrokke is.  Ons het ’n aansienlike bedrag geld toegewys aan maatreëls en programme om hierdie kritieke situasie te verbeter.  Gegewe die lewensverlies en die effek op die ekonomiese prys wat ons as ’n samelewing betaal, sal ons voortgaan om hierdie saak met die grootste erns te hanteer.  Ons skop dus ook so af op die 11de Desember met ons intensiewe vakansie-seisoen padveiligheidsprogram. Ek doen ’n beroep op al die mense wat ons paaie gebruik om dit op ’n verantwoordelike wyse te doen en om vooraf alle moontlike voorsorgmaatreëls te tref. 
  • Finally, Speaker today is International Day of Persons with Disabilities. The theme for the year is Sustainable Development: The Promise of Technology. It is appropriate that we acknowledge this important day and that I recommit my department as custodian of Provincial Physical Assets to be mindful of appropriate access to the buildings under our control.

Speaker, I thank you.

Media Enquiries: 

Siphesihle Dube
Spokesperson for Donald Grant, Minister of Transport and Public Works
Tel: 021 483 8954
Cell: 084 233 3811