To protect yourself and your loved ones, get vaccinated | Western Cape Government


To protect yourself and your loved ones, get vaccinated

18 May 2022

For vaccines to keep communities safe and prevent vaccine-preventable diseases, they need to be taken up by a very large proportion of residents. There is much we as individuals can do to keep healthy and prevent transmission to others, as we approach winter and the next COVID-19 wave. If you, a loved one, or your child is due for a vaccine whether it is for the COVID-19, flu or measles, please do not delay your appointment.

The Western Cape Government Health and Wellness (WCGHW) offers several vaccines to adults, babies, and the elderly that can save lives and prevent diseases. Life-saving vaccines include child immunisations, the HPV vaccine, flu vaccines, COVID-19 vaccines and COVID-19 booster doses. These vaccinations against deadly diseases are available for free at all our clinics and during school outreaches.

With 5,4 million COVID-19 vaccine doses administered in the province as of 16 May 2022, and over 30 000 flu vaccines as of 12 May 2022, the Western Cape Government Health and Wellness (WCGHW) has high confidence about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. Yesterday (17 May) marked the one-year anniversary since the province’s vaccination programme opened up to those residents 60 years old and older. The province is pleased with the 71% fully vaccination coverage among this cohort, especially as older people are more at risk from COVID-19 because of how the immune system ages.

“We know that the COVID-19 vaccine is effective. We also know that the virus is highly transmissible and can spread fast, especially where people gather and there is a lack of ventilation and mask-wearing. Ensure your COVID-19 vaccines are up to date and that you stay home if you experience any flu-like symptoms,” says public health specialist, Dr David Pienaar.