New years' babies 2016 | Western Cape Government


New years' babies 2016

3 January 2016

Western Cape Government Health is proud to announce the birth of 162 babies as reported by public health facilities throughout the Western Cape on New Year’s Day.

The total number comprises of 98 boys and 64 girls. 104 of these babies were born in the Cape Town Metropole and 58 babies were born in the rural districts.

No multiple births have been reported at any of the facilities. 

Mowbray Maternity Hospital delivered the most New Year's babies where 20 babies (7 boys and 13 girls) were welcomed, followed by New Somerset Hospital with 17 births (13 boys and 4 girls). 

The first baby was born at 00h04 - a baby boy born at Bishop Lavis Midwife Obstetrics Unit weighing 2, 4 kg and 35cm in length; while another baby boy was born at 00h05 at Beaufort-Wes Hospital weighing 2, 6 kg and 51cm in height.

Western Cape Government Health congratulates all the new arrivals to their new life on New Year’s Day. 

Media Enquiries: 

Bianca Carls
Communications Officer: General Specialists and EMS Directorate
Western Cape Government: Department of Health
Cell: 083 644 3383