Minister Simmers engages communities through ministerial outreach programmes | Western Cape Government


Minister Simmers engages communities through ministerial outreach programmes

2 December 2019

Throughout the month of November in the Cape Metro area, Western Cape Minister of Human Settlements, Tertuis Simmers met with and engaged a wide variety of stakeholders and community members as part of his Ministerial Outreach Programme (MOP).

Minister Simmers said: “Since I commenced with my tenure as Minister, I committed to engaging all communities, so that I could get a first-hand account of their housing concerns, while also providing updates about our projects. I commend all stakeholders, particularly community members for allowing frank and open discussions. All parties walked away fully empowered and with factual information.”

During November, Minister Simmers engaged residents in Mitchells Plain (Kosovo and New Woodlands), Gugulethu (Thambo Village and Luyolo), Delft (Tsunami), Philippi (Thabo Mbeki), Khayelitsha (Taiwan and YB Informal Settlements), while also conducting five public meetings in the Greater Retreat area. Various catalytic and priority projects, along with relocations were discussed, while clear timelines were presented.

Simmers added: The MOP allowed us to clarify the criteria that’s being used in the allocation of housing opportunities in all greenfield projects.

As a reminder the criteria consists of:

  1. The elderly
  2. People with disabilities
  3. Child-headed households
  4. Those longest (15 years and longer) on the waiting list.
  5. Backyard dwellers (only for new/Greenfield projects)

Furthermore, to also allay any fears and address false information about projects that are planned for the Metro area. I once again call on all communities to engage their Ward Councillors and Project Steering Committees (PSC’s) to acquire correct information, should they seek clarity.

As the Western Cape Government, we remain committed to accelerating human settlement delivery, while promoting social inclusion through the development of integrated, resilient and sustainable human settlements in an open opportunity society.”

Media Enquiries: 

Marcellino Martin
Spokesperson for Minister Tertuis Simmers
Tel: 021 483 3397
Mobile: 082 721 3362