DSD NPO Help Desk can assist NPOs with compliance | Western Cape Government


DSD NPO Help Desk can assist NPOs with compliance

20 September 2022

Non-profit Organisations (NPOs) are vital partners in the Western Cape, and are urged to check their compliance status to ensure the continuation of service delivery.

There are currently 27 390 registered NPOs in the province. But due to non-compliance with the NPO Act, 15 393 are at risk of deregistration by the National NPO Directorate if they do not urgently attend to their outstanding reporting.

All NPOs, whether or not they are funded by government, must meet the requirements stipulated in the NPO Act. This includes the annual submission of their Annual Financial Statements, as well as their narrative reports to the NPO Directorate at the National Department of Social Department (DSD) within nine months after the end of their financial year.

The Western Cape Department of Social Development’s NPO Help Desk can guide NPOs through this process.

The provincial DSD NPO Help Desk was established to assist with registration support, compliance status information, NPO training, and registration certificate distribution.

An NPO number has 6 digits, numbers starting at 266 - 000 NPO and increasing, will receive their NPO certificates via registered post.

“It is important for all NPOs to practice good governance, transparency, and accountability to deliver the best possible service to our communities. Therefore, I urge NPOs to check on their compliance status and make use of all resources at their disposal, including the NPO Help Desk,” says Western Cape Minister of Social Development, Sharna Fernandez.

In addition to compliance information, the NPO help desk also offers training on good governance, organisation sustainability, and fundraising. Organisations have access to information about the Department's funding criteria and statutory requirements.

For more information about the services of the NPO Help Desk, and to access compliance forms, click here.

Media Enquiries: 

Esther Lewis

Head of Communications
