The Western Cape Department of Social Development (DSD) is urging the public to ensure that their loved ones are placed in a registered substance use disorder (SUD) treatment facility for increased chances of their loved ones sustaining their recovery.
In this regard, we encourage the public to make contact with the provincial DSD, to check on the registration status of the facility or organisation, offering any treatment programme.
It is understandable why family and community members would send their loved ones that have addiction problems to an unregistered substance use disorder (SUD) treatment facility or programme. However, more often than not, unregistered facilities normally do not meet government requirements and can hinder a persons chances of sustainable recovery.
"We recommend that members of the public try and find a suitable registered treatment facility. Under the Prevention of and Treatment for Substance Abuse Act, all registered facilities are required to possess a registration certificate, which must be visibly displayed in an area where clients can see it. If not displayed, families can request that proof of registration is provided before the admission process is started,” said Western Cape Minister of Social Development, Sharna Fernandez.
The Western Cape Department of Social Development (DSD) holds a database of all registered Substance Abuse treatment options in the province. This helps to ensure that the patients attending these centres will be treated with respect and that their human rights are protected.
There are currently 93 registered service providers on the provincial database that can be broken down as follows:
Since 2019, the Department has de-registered 36 facilities due to concerns related to non-compliance.
The provincial Department of Social Development (DSD) with the support of its Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) partners provides a wide array of substance use disorder (SUD) programmes, ranging from prevention, early intervention, through to outpatient and in-patient rehab and aftercare services.
All programs funded by the Department of Social Development are registered in accordance with the Prevention of and Treatment for Substance Abuse Act, Act 70 of 2008.
Services offered by the Department and its NPO partners include, amongst others:
What can communities do to cope with substance abuse in the area:
We urge all community members to report drug dealers selling illegal substances to the local police station. Furthermore, they can support and encourage addicted loved ones to go for help at a registered inpatient facility or community-based organisation. The Department of Social Development has a full directory of all registered and funded organisations.
Faith-based organisations play an important role as well as the City of Cape Town via matrix programmes. Schools and health facilities can also be utilised as a point of referrals.
Lastly, we ask all members of the public to not support unregistered facilities and report them to the Department of Social Development.
For more information about our services, please refer to the Western Cape DSD’s website using the URL provided below or by calling the Western Cape Department of Social Development toll-free: 0800 220 250.
Joshua Covenant Chigome
Spokesperson for the Minister of Social Development, Minister Sharna Fernandez
Tel: 021 483 9217
Cell: 083 661 4949