Minister Fernandez launches skills development centre at Vrygrond Youth Cafe | Western Cape Government


Minister Fernandez launches skills development centre at Vrygrond Youth Cafe

22 March 2022

Against the backdrop of Human Rights Day commemorated on Monday, 21 March 2022, the Western Cape Minister for Social Development, Sharna Fernandez, launched a newly established skills development centre in partnership with the Sozo Foundation at the Vrygrond Youth Cafe, on Friday 18 March 2022.  Please find the pictures attached. 

Youth Cafés are an initiative born out of the Provincial Youth Development Strategy, which calls for improving education outcomes (developing crucial skills for employment) and opportunities for youth, mainly focusing on those Not in Employment, Education, or Training (NEETs), in the 16 to 35 cohort. 

 "Youth Cafés offer young people the opportunity to acquire job readiness skills, gain entrepreneurial insights and training, and learn how to access funding opportunities, as well as practical training programmes across various sectors. They offer an accessible environment where young people may also find a sense of belonging among like-minded peers.

I am mindful of the importance of Youth Development. The importance of such services could not come at a better time, especially as we continue to mitigate the economic effects of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic," said Minister Fernandez.

In 2015, the Sozo Foundation embarked in building a youth education facility in Vrygrond. During this period, the provincial Department of Social Development (DSD) partnered with the Sozo foundation in assisting with the establishment of the first Youth Café in Vrygrond. The Department of Social Development have journeyed with the organisation for past 7 years.

The Sozo Foundation provides the following services:

  • Educational afterschool support services to 120 young people six days a week (after school game changer)
  • Provides skills development programmes for Youth that are Not in Education, Employment and Training
  • Recruitment of young people every year to receive Life skills, vocational skills, job readiness skills, emotional intelligent skills, social skills, creating pathways to youth  employment, helping young people to become more employable & economic viable employers.
  • 10 EPWP work opportunities

An investment in the youth is an investment in the future. Therefore, the Western Cape Department of Social Development (DSD) has opened several Youth Cafés around the province to create safe, creative spaces for young people to develop their potential and access opportunities.  

For the current financial year, R14.974 million has been budgeted towards ensuring that thousands of youth in the province are provided with opportunities to access skills and personal development programmes.

The provincial DSD currently funds 27 Non-Profit Organisations (NPOs) to provide opportunities for training and development, with a particular focus on those youth who are Not in Education, Employment and Training (NEETs) across the province.  

The programme targets the most vulnerable and valuable youth, with a focus on the following:

  • Life and personal skills development;
  • Work skills development;
  • Leadership development;
  • Mentoring;
  • Internships through the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) and;
  • Informal skills development.

"We understand the value of our youth, who are the future of our country. We have a vision we want to realise, and that is to help every young person in the Western Cape to be an inspired, educated, responsible, independent, healthy and productive citizen with positive personal, family and social relations," concluded Minister Fernandez.

The public can access our services by visiting any local DSD office or contacting the DSD hotline on 0800 220 250 for information to access help.

For more information about our other services, please refer to the Western Cape Department's Website below: 

Media Enquiries: 

Joshua Covenant Chigome

Spokesperson for the Minister of Social Development, Minister Sharna Fernandez

Tel: 021 483 9217

Cell: 083 661 4949
