Minister of Community Safety, Alan Winde, says he is deeply concerned about reports of an imminent go-slow strike by police officers in the Province, allegedly due to dissatisfaction about promotions in the service.
Minister Winde said: “These reports are deeply troubling. A strike will cripple policing in the Western Cape, given that it’s already under immense pressure as a result of being under-resourced by 4500 officers, and infighting amongst its top echelons.
He has called on the Minister of Police, Bheki Cele, to immediately intervene to prevent the strike from going ahead.
I will also be asking for an update on the investigation I have called for regarding whether officers are being promoted due to their political affiliations.
Winde continued: “The current chaos points directly to the Minister of Police, Bheki Cele, and the ANC national government’s inability to manage the police service. We need to decentralise the service to ensure it is accountable to Western Cape residents.
As an essential service, Western Cape officers would not be able to embark on any form of go-slow or strike action. We would ensure other mechanisms exist to resolve grievances, so that these members are always on duty, protecting our residents.
We need a well-staffed, professional and well-managed police service. The Western Cape Police Service would be just that.”
Marcellino Martin
Spokesperson for Minister Alan Winde
(021) 483 3873 (o)
082 721 3362 (m)