Debbie Schäfer, the Western Cape Education Minister, will visit Mfuleni tomorrow (Tuesday, 19 November 2019) where about 300 international volunteers are building extra classrooms and other facilities at two schools in the township.
The volunteers are participating in a “Building Blitz” organised by the Mellon Educate charity based in Ireland.
About 100 volunteers from Old Mutual, the charity’s principle South African sponsor, have joined the international team. The objective of the “Building Blitz” is to finish a school building project within seven days.
Mellon Educate organises the “Building Blitz” trips to provide opportunities for volunteers world-wide to improve school buildings in poor communities in Africa.
More than 1 400 Mellon Educate volunteers have participated in “Building Blitz” programmes over the past five years, at 10 schools to date in the province.
The volunteers are building facilities at two schools this year, Mfuleni Primary and Manzomthombo Secondary in Mfuleni, Cape Town.
They are building six Grade R classrooms at Mfuleni Primary and one additional standard classroom. They are also building a library, an ablution block and a playground with a covered shelter, along with general refurbishment. The school has 1 215 learners.
The volunteers are building five new classrooms at Manzomthombo Secondary, which has 1 665 learners. The project at the school also includes two covered shelters, an outdoor gymnasium, sports field improvements, a security hut and security systems.
Minister Schäfer comments as follows: “We warmly welcome the Mellon Educate volunteers to Cape Town once again. It’s wonderful to see the passion and commitment they bring to this programme.
“It’s worth noting that the international volunteers raise their own funds to participate. We deeply appreciate their support, and that of Mellon Educate who are demonstrating the importance of partnerships of this kind. This project is a wonderful example of collaboration at work.”
The media are most welcome to join Minister Schäfer on this visit.
Time: 09:00 – 09:45
Date: Tuesday, 19 November 2019
Place: Mfuleni Primary (443 School Street, Mfuleni) | Mazomthombo Secondary (Nkohla Street, Mfuleni)
Paddy Attwell
Western Cape Education Ministry
021 483 6570