More than 7000 learners in the Western Cape qualify for Supplementary Exams | Western Cape Government


More than 7000 learners in the Western Cape qualify for Supplementary Exams

18 January 2016

Denis Watley said “Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.” 

While the vast majority of our candidates are celebrating their success in the 2015 NSC, there are candidates who did not receive the results that they had hoped to achieve. 

The WCED has however informed me that the number of candidates qualifying for Supplementary examinations is over 7 000.  This provides these candidates with a wonderful opportunity to now pass their NSC. 

For most learners the NSC period is an extremely stressful time, and often stress levels and emotions can get the better of some of our candidates which could result in the candidate not performing at their best. 

I am pleased that many candidates will now have a second chance to complete the NSC requirements successfully. I strongly encourage these candidates to make use of this opportunity and put in their best effort to pass it. 

For those candidates who did not pass their NSC or qualify for a supplementary, there is still the opportunity to apply to write the 2016 NSC. I would encourage these candidates to re-apply to write the 2016 NSC. 

Candidates also now have the opportunity to have their scripts re-marked or rechecked. 

Details on how to apply for a re-mark, re-check or the supplementary exams are available on the WCED website.  

Details are as follows: 

Supplementary Examinations 

Candidates qualify to write supplementary examinations if one of the following applies:
•    if they still need a maximum of two of their subjects to pass
•    if they were unable to write for medical reasons (the candidate would need to attach a medical certificate report from their doctor)
•    if there was a death in their immediate family, or other special reasons why they could not write
•    if they provide evidence that they need a better result to qualify to study at university or college, or to meet requirements for a specialist field of study or work.

Application forms and additional information can be found on the WCED website
The closing date for applications to write the February/ March supplementary examination is Wednesday 20th January 2016.  

The NSC Supplementary Examination is scheduled to commence on 10 February 2016 and conclude on 17 March 2016. 

Re-marking of scripts 

Candidates can also apply to have their scripts re-marked for subjects they have failed or where they did not obtain the results they needed for specific purposes - for example - to obtain a bursary or satisfy university requirements. In such a case, a letter of motivation requesting the re-mark must accompany the application. Applications not accompanied by the afore-mentioned will not be considered.

The Department will only agree to the re-marking of scripts in a subject in which a candidate has failed to obtain 40% only for the purpose of obtaining matriculation endorsement (diploma or bachelor pass) or when a bursary is at stake.
The fee for re-marking of scripts is R86 per subject script.

Re-checking of scripts

Candidates may apply for their scripts to be checked to ensure that all answers have been marked, and that the marks havebeen added and processed correctly. The fee for the re-checking of scripts is R19 per subject.

It is important to note that the application for remarking/re-checking scripts will not be considered without proof of payment. 

Application forms and additional information can be found on the WCED website.

The closing date for application for re-marking and re-checking of scripts is Wednesday 20th January 2016. 

Refunding of fees

The WCED will refund re-marking and re-checking fees in the following cases:

•    The candidate passes a subject or subjects which he or she initially failed; or
•    Is awarded marks that improve the result in a subject by at least one level of achievement.

The department will refund the fees in these cases once it has completed the re-marking or re-checking process for all the subjects concerned. Candidates must therefore keep their receipts for these fees in a safe place.

Application forms

Candidates must use separate, prescribed forms to apply for re-marking and re-checking of scripts.

They must also submit a completed BAS form to facilitate a refund of fees where necessary, to the specified bank account.

Candidates may submit applications by hand at the WCED Head Office, Client Services Division, 2nd Floor, Grand Central Building, Lower Parliament Street, Cape Town, or via the post to:

The Head of Education
Attention: Directorate: Examinations Administration
Western Cape Education Department
Private Bag X9114
Cape Town

Candidates can access all the forms required from the website.


Candidates may also request the forms via the following telephone numbers and email addresses:
     Tel. 021 467 2952 or e-mail:

    Tel. 021 467 2992 or e-mail: 

    Tel. 021 467 2459 or e-mail: 


Personal Enquires

Candidates can visit the Client Service Centre at the WCED on the second floor of the Grand Central Building, Lower Parliament Street, cape Town to enquire about: 

•    Re-marking, re-checking and viewing of scripts
•    Applying to write the February/ March supplementary examinations 

Candidates can also contact the Exams Helpline at (021) 467 2300 on weekdays from 08h00 to 16h00 on examination related issues. 

I encourage all candidates to make use of these opportunities to obtain their National Senior Certificate. 

Winston Churchill said “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts”

It now up to our candidates to ensure their own success by taking advantage of this opportunity at achieving their NSC.

Media Enquiries: 

Jessica Shelver
Spokesperson for Debbie Schäfer, Western Cape Minister of Education
Cell: 076 175 0663