Premier Winde encourages members of the public with a qualification or interest in heritage resource management to apply to the serve on the various Heritage Western Cape committees.
“For the first time, applications are encouraged from people who not only have qualifications or expertise in heritage resources management, but also those with a keen interest in this space,” Premier Winde said.
Applications to serve on the committee for a period of three years from 2019 until 2022 are currently open.
Heritage Western Cape is tasked with identifying, managing, conserving and promoting heritage resources in the province. It can also advise on the look and feel of new builds, when a heritage resource is affected.
Premier Winde said: “The Western Cape has a rich history and heritage which must be protected. However, our work in the Economic War Room has shown that we need to strike a balance between preserving this heritage, and encouraging a region and an economy with a modern future. One of the areas that the Economic War Room is looking at is the construction industry, which has seen a slowdown and job losses in the past year. Ensuring this balance would allow vital new builds and upgrades, creating jobs and economic growth in our region.”
“The team at Heritage Western Cape deals with thousands of complex cases per year. By ensuring HWC has the resources to do its work, and well-informed committees, we can strike that delicate balance between preserving our history, creating our future, and assisting the construction industry to grow.
“We are very keen on introducing a diversity of people, ideas and experience into the Heritage Western Cape committees and encourage applicants in sectors in this space to become involved in this important work.”
“I have always been interested in using innovation to help our province to thrive, and in this instance, I believe a mix of fresh new thinking and diversity will set us on a forward thinking trajectory in terms of the future of our City and Province.”
Heritage Western Cape’s committees include:
· Archaeology, Palaeontology and Meteorites Committee (APM)
· Built Environment and Landscapes Committee (BELcom)
· Impact Assessment Committee (IAC)
· Inventories, Gradings and Interpretations Committee (IGIC)
· Appeals Committee
In order to be considered for the positions, nominees must be South African citizens and permanent residents of the Western Cape. They should also have knowledge, qualifications, experience or interest in subjects relating to heritage resources management.
Nomination forms are available at the following websites /, alternatively from Ms. Nuraan Vallie email: / tel: 021 483 9900.
Forms must be submitted by 18 October, with a copy of the applicant’s CV, ID and qualifications. These can be emailed to or hand delivered to the Heritage Western Cape Offices on the 3rd Floor of the Protea Assurance Building, Greenmarket Square, Cape Town, marked for the attention of the CEO.
Premier Winde said: “I encourage those with an interest in heritage, and who feel that they can make a positive contribution to HWC and the future look and feel of our province, to use the opportunity to apply now.”
Note: Potential applicants are kindly requested to direct any queries they may have to Heritage Western Cape and not to the media spokesperson for Premier Winde.
Bianca Capazorio
Spokesperson to Premier Alan Winde
Tel: 021 483 5004
Cell: 0723727044