What do we need to be Better Together? | Western Cape Government


What do we need to be Better Together?

23 May 2013

The Western Cape Government wants everyone to live a better life. Where everyone has access to services, the opportunity to improve their quality of life and the chance to realise their potential.

But no Government can make this happen on its own.  Every person, every family, every organisation has a role to play.

Therefore our approach is about shared responsibility. It is our job to provide you with opportunities, but it is your responsibility to make use of these opportunities.

For example

  • Government’s job is to deliver better health services, but you need to live a healthier lifestyle and always practice safe sex
  • Government’s job is to provide better education, but parents must make sure their children work hard to succeed.
  • Government’s job is to make our roads safer, but you must never drink and drive and make sure your friends don’t either.

As individuals. As communities. As a Province. We can only make life better, if we work together.

Watch this informative video to learn more about BETTER TOGETHER.

Video: Western Cape Government - Better Together

Western Cape Provincial Public Works Project

You can also view the Afrikaans and Xhosa versions of the video.