Minister welcomes launch of National Shelter Movement’s 24 Hour Helpline | Western Cape Government


Minister welcomes launch of National Shelter Movement’s 24 Hour Helpline

1 December 2020

Today, Tuesday 1 December 2020, the Western Cape Minister of Social Development, Sharna Fernandez attended the National Shelter Movement of South Africa’s (NSMSA) 24-hour toll-free helpline launch.


The NSMSA toll-free helpline number is 0800 001 005 and will serve women by helping them find a conveniently located place of safety from domestic abuse and provide information about obtaining protection orders or advice on issues when dealing with the SAPS.

It will become operational from tomorrow, 2 December 2020.


In light of the launch of the new toll-free helpline number, Minister Fernandez said, “ I welcome this much-need initiative. This helpline will serve as an additional safety measure for women needing to escape from a violent or abusive situation at home.


I would also like to urge all women, both young and old, to ensure that you have emergency gender-based violence contact numbers saved on your phones. One can never be certain if they will be in a situation where help is urgently needed.”


The National Shelter Movement of South Africa (NSMSA) is a Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) based in Cape Town but renders services across South Africa with its many representatives deployed in different parts of the country. 


One of the representatives of the NSMSA is the Western Cape Women’s Shelter Movement (WSM), which is one of the many organisations funded by the provincial Department of Social Development (DSD).


The provincial DSD provides funding to 20 NPOs that specialise in the delivery of shelter services to victims of crime and violence, in vulnerable communities across all regions of the Western Cape. 


Shelters are residential facilities that accommodate victims of crime and violence, and their children, in a crisis where their safety is at risk. Shelters provide short term intervention for up to 3 months, or longer if the shelter has second stage accommodation available.


“By working together, we can have #Onevoice united against gender-based violence, 365 days of the year, concluded,” Minister Fernandez.


For more information about DSD services, please contact 0800 220 250 or refer to the Western Cape Department’s Website below:

Media Enquiries: 

Joshua Covenant Chigome

Spokesperson for the Minister of Social Development, Minister Sharna Fernandez

Tel: 021 483 9217

Cell: 083 661 4949
