Residential facilities for Older Persons must be registered | Western Cape Government


Residential facilities for Older Persons must be registered

9 March 2020

The Western Cape Department of Social Development (DSD) is committed to ensuring, protecting and promoting the rights and wellbeing of older persons. All our elderly residents deserve to live a life with good health and dignity.

To achieve this, the DSD currently funds 118 residential facilities for older persons across the Province.

During the current financial year, DSD targeted 26 850 older persons, in terms of accessing services in the province, of which, 9000 older persons accessed residential facilities.

The Minister of Social Development, Sharna Fernandez said: “The total budget allocation for the current financial year is R248.076 million, of which, 194.7 million (78%) is dedicated to residential facilities, to ensure the care, love and affection of our senior citizens. This demonstrates our government’s commitment to ensure the good health and dignity of the elderly.”

“Residential facilities already funded by this department do not need to submit their contact details as we are aware of their services. It is unlawful for any facility rendering services as outlined above to operate without being registered. Our senior citizens deserve nothing less than the best care and this is to make sure it happens”, added Minister Fernandez.

The Older Persons Act, No 13 of 2006, prescribes that all residential facilities for older persons must be registered with the Department of Social Development. This allows us to firstly be aware of which facilities are being operated, where and by whom. It also gives us the opportunity to engage with these facilities, to ensure that all older persons benefit from the safety net provided by the Western Cape Government.

As the Department mandated with the responsibility of ensuring the safety of the Province’s older persons, we are committed to understanding their needs and concerns so as to ensure their good health.

To this extent, we remain dedicated to ensuring that the rights of older persons are protected at all facilities.

The following facilities need to apply for registration:

  • Residential facilities not funded by this department and rendering accommodation and 24-hour care and services to older persons.
  • Facilities where older persons or frail older persons are cared for or accommodated, such as boarding houses, shelters and even private homes.
  • Retirement villages that render care and services to older persons in a sickbay.

DSD wishes to invite both individuals and organisations to submit the name of their establishment, along with full contact details, to or to Department of Social Development, Private Bag X9112, Cape Town 8000.

Media Enquiries: 

Joshua Covenant Chigome

Spokesperson for the Minister of Social Development, Minister Sharna Fernandez

Tel: 021 483 9217

Cell: 083 661 4949
