SASSA R10 bank charge: The poor shouldn’t pay for SASSA mistakes | Western Cape Government


SASSA R10 bank charge: The poor shouldn’t pay for SASSA mistakes

29 March 2018

The Western Cape Department of Social Development (DSD) condemns the fleecing of R10 in bank charges from the accounts of South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) social grant beneficiaries.


This is an unjustified abuse of the poor, considering the charge is effectively the consequence of the mishandling by SASSA, of its self-created grant crisis.


SASSA indicated in yesterday’s appearance in parliament that the banking charges are because of the continued use of Grindrod Bank without a contract in place, pending the official take over by the Post Office.


Whilst SASSA, the National Department of Social Development and the Treasury conduct negotiations around how to subsidize this bank charge, the poor are expected to foot this bill.


In the context of the other rising costs of living, such as the higher Fuel Levy and increased VAT, this tardy administration by SASSA is unacceptable.


SASSA is a national entity, run by the National Department. Provincial DSD has no operational control over it. Despite this, we will continue to play our oversight role to protect the 1.5-million social grant recipients in the province.

Media Enquiries: 

Sihle Ngobese

Spokesperson for Albert Fritz, Minister of Social Development

Western Cape Government


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