Western Cape Budget 2020 – A Budget for You | Western Cape Government


Western Cape Budget 2020 – A Budget for You

10 March 2020

Today I tabled the Western Cape Government’s 2020 Budget which is a budget for you, all of you, in the Western Cape.

In our “Budget for You” we are putting your needs, your choices and your dreams at the heart of everything we do, to build A Safe Western Cape Where Everyone Prospers, so that you feel safe, so that you have work and so that you have hope for your future in the Western Cape.

In our “Budget for You” we will -  

  • support our new Vision Inspired Priorities set out in our new Provincial Strategic Plan;
  • protect our frontline services including education, health and social development in the Western Cape.
  • hold the line on investment in new, and existing, infrastructure assets;
  • prepare for a new cleaner, greener energy future; and
  • be ready to respond to future risks that may negatively impact on the Western Cape.

To deliver these priorities, and others announced today, we will be spending an estimated R224 billion over the medium term, which includes:

  • R4 billion over the medium term so that you feel safe in the Western Cape,
  • R32.4 billion over the medium term so that you get a job and reach your dreams in the Western Cape,
  • R173.8 billion over the medium term so that you reach your full potential in the Western Cape,
  • R24.6 billion over the medium term so that you have a home in the Western Cape, and
  • R7.5 billion over the medium term so that you have even better government in the Western Cape.

The largest percentage of the budget will go to frontline services - R83.2 billion to Health, R79.4 billion to Education, and R8.4 billion to Social Development.

We have also allocated R1.1 billion over the medium term to deploy more law enforcement officers to fight crime, especially violent crime, so that you feel safe in the Western Cape.

We trust that our “Budget for You” will give you, all of you, hope for your future in the Western Cape.

To read the full speech and the 2020 budget documents click here >>


Media Enquiries: 

Francine Higham
Spokesperson for the Provincial Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities
(Responsible for the Provincial Treasury and the Department of Economic Development and Tourism)
Tel: 021 483 4327
Cell: 071 087 5150
Email: francine.higham@westerncape.gov.za