Residents celebrated for food security contributions | Western Cape Government


Residents celebrated for food security contributions

15 November 2017

A 100-year old resident has received a special award for his contribution to food security in the Western Cape.


April Jooste and Minister WindeToday (15 November 2017) April Jooste received the special award at an event seeking to celebrate food security in the Cederberg.

Jooste said: "Gardening is in my blood. I wanted my own garden from a young age. When I was 18 years old I took over my parents' garden and have been growing my own vegetables ever since - for 82 years.

Gardening is like raising a child. From a young age the plants must be nourished and cared for to ensure they become big and healthy.”

Alan Winde, Minister of Economic Opportunities, commended Jooste for his contribution to agriculture in the Western Cape.

“April has been gardening for more than 80 years, and is an inspiration to all of us.

He is able to feed his own household, and sells the surplus to a local hotel, earning an extra income.”

In total, 17 residents were awarded for a range of food security projects.


“All of the winners are growing enough healthy produce for their own families, and are able to sell extra produce to other residents.

In the past two years, we’ve invested more than R20 million in food security projects across the Western Cape.

Due to the current drought, we’ve adopted water-wise practices in our initiatives. The winners of the competition have also embraced this way of sustainable gardening.”

The water-savings criteria for the competition included:

  • Collect rainwater and utilize it in the garden;
  • Methods to improve water infiltration, reduce evaporation and reduce runoff;
  • Effectively utilize grey-water;
  • Mulching

Please see the full list of winners below:

Graafwater / Leipoldtville: Household Gardens

Marie Januarie (61)

Marie started her garden in 2016.  She received training in vegetable production.  She was motivated to produce her own food for her family because she wanted nutritious food at a low cost.  Marie sells the surplus produce to the community.

Andries Hofman (61)

Andries started his garden in 2016 with the assistance of the Department of Agriculture. He produces fresh, healthy food for his family and also sells some of the vegetables to other residents. 

Damon Carolus (44)

At just 14 years old Damon started garden to supply healthy food for this family. Today, 30 years later, he is a local gardening expert and also sells seedlings to other home gardeners. His children have green fingers too, and often help in the garden.

Elandsbaai: Household Gardens

Christene Newman (57)

Christene grows vegetables and fruit, supporting her household with nutritious food.

Elizabeth Mathabatha (74)

Elizabeth decided to start her own garden to reduce the costs of feeding her household. She also provides produce to seniors in the community, at no cost.

Boetman West (62)

Boetman started his own garden in 2000. Since then he has helped start food gardens at a local school and the police station. His garden provides for his own family, and gives the surplus to people with disabilities.

Lambertsbaai: Household Gardens

Wilfred Kamfer (49)

Wilfred started gardening in 2007.  He has a love for gardening and produces vegetables, strawberries and herbs for the family as well as neighbours. 

Jacqueleen Arries (50)

Jacqueleen started her garden in 2015, and produces enough to support her own family and earn an income from the sale of the produce.

Sarah Joseph (55)

Sarah is unemployed and started her garden in 2016 from her own means.  The vegetables are used in her house and she gives some to senior citizens, poorer residents and to the soup kitchen.  She has established her garden on commonage land.

Special categories

Persons with disabilities

Frederick Louw (53) – Leipoldtville

Frederick has been gardening for more than 12 years.  He currently produces onions, spinach, carrots and fruit.  His garden provides for his own household, and he sells to the community.


Nontembiso Nyeka (34) - Elandsbaai

Nonthembiso has been gardening for the past two years. She grows nutritious food for her own family, and shares with her neighbours.

Women in gardening

Mina Maria Cloete (69) - Lambertsbaai

Mina started the garden in 2016 to supply fresh vegetables for her household. She gained access to commonage land of about half a hectare, and is able to support her family through her project.

Senior citizen

Butsana Songelwa (70) - Elandsbaai

Butsana started with container gardening in 2016. He supports four young people in his household with his fresh produce.  After feeding his family, he shares with his community and sells some of the produce.

Community Garden (School Winners)

PW De Bruin Primêr (Lambertsbaai) - Maria Tieties

PW De Bruin has 770 learners, and the produce is used in the school kitchen. Vegetables are also sold to local retailers. The garden produces a variety of vegetables including green beans, onions, tomatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, carrots etc. 

Engelbrecht Primêr (Elandsbaai) - Lee-Ann Zass

Engelbrecht Primêr has 250 learners, and the garden also supplies the school kitchen. Extra produce is sold locally.  Vegetables that are produced include tomatoes, onions, potatoes, sweet corn, green beans and sweet potatoes.

Leipoldtville Primêr (Leipoldtville) – Gert Fortuin

There are 61 Learners at Leipoldtville Primêr. Produce is used in the school kitchen. Vegetables produced include broccoli, lettuce, cauliflower, carrots, onions, potatoes, green beans, spinach etc

Media Enquiries: 

Bronwynne Jooste

Spokesperson: Alan Winde, Minister of Economic Opportunities

Responsible for Tourism, Economic Development and Agriculture

Western Cape Government


142 Long Street, Cape Town


Tel: 021 483 3550

Cell: 060 970 4301



Twitter: bronwynnejooste