Taking the Budget to Beaufort West | Western Cape Government


Taking the Budget to Beaufort West

3 November 2015

In line with his undertaking to “take the budget to the people” Minister of Finance, Dr Ivan Meyer, last week during his address to the full council of the Beaufort West Municipality confirmed that the Western Cape Government will contribute  approximately R1.1 billion to the municipality’s coffers over the next three years.

Highlighting the reasons for his visit Minister Meyer said that his visit has three goals. Firstly, to share with the Council the Western Cape Government’s financial contribution to the region, secondly, share some of the key results of his recently tabled Municipal Economic Review and Overview and thirdly prepare for the upcoming Medium Term budget Policy Statement and 2015/16 Budget.

Thanking the Speaker, Councillor Motsoane and the executive Mayor Alderman Truman Prins for facilitating his address to Council, Minister Meyer emphasised that an amount of R126 million will be spent on infrastructure over the next three years and will result in the improvement of health infrastructure at the Beaufort West Hospital and Hillside Clinic and the improvement of road infrastructure such as the resurfacing of the Murraysburg Road and the gravelling of the road between Merweville and Beaufort West.

Media Enquiries: 

Daniel Johnson
Media Liaison Officer/Spokesperson to Dr Ivan Meyer Minister of Finance
Cell: 079 990 4231
E-mail: daniel.johnson@westerncape.gov.za