On Wednesday, 11 May 2022 the Department of Police Oversight and Community Safety (DOPOCS) hosted 92 Neighbourhood Watch (NHW) structures at a NHW safety engagement in Parow. This is the first in a series of upcoming engagements with NHWs across the province. The engagement also forms part of the Provincial Minister of Police Oversight and Community Safety, Reagen Allen’s 100-day commitment to engage various stakeholders within the Western Cape.
The programme included presentations by representatives of the Western Cape Police Ombudsman, Western Cape Liquor Authority, City of Cape Town and DoPOCS which included legal advice in dealing with cases of Gender Based Violence.
Three newly DoPOCS accredited NHWs were also handed their accreditation certificates, namely: Brantwood NHW from Kuils River, Kalkfontein NHW from Kuils River and Crime Free NHW from Delft. This brings the total accredited NHW’s in the Western Cape to 451 to date.
Minister Allen said: “I’d like to thank the neighbourhood watch members for the robust engagement and input. It’s always good to get a firsthand account of what is truly transpiring on the ground. We remain committed to strengthening the hand of these volunteers who are taking of their own time to make their communities safer, so that residents can live in improved environments. The contributions of neighbourhood watches are invaluable, as they are a critical cog in our crime fighting efforts. I’d also like to congratulate the neighbourhood watches who received their official accreditation certificates, and it’s pleasing to note how this volunteer base is growing.”
The NHW Accreditation and Support Programme aims to provide support to NHW’s to become sustainable and capable safety partners within Government and communities, acknowledge and recognise the efforts of accredited NHW’s and their contribution to addressing safety concerns within communities.
Once approved for accreditation, each NHW become eligible for resourcing by means of a starter kit, free training and funding. DoPOCS supports NHW’s to create a safer community FOR YOU.
Ishaam Davids
Head of Communications
Office: + 27 (0)21 483 6689
Mobile: + 27 (0)82 941 9434
E-Mail: Ishaam.Davids@westerncape.gov.za