Minister Marais condemns senseless killings in Khayelitsha on Sunday | Western Cape Government


Minister Marais condemns senseless killings in Khayelitsha on Sunday

22 March 2022

The Acting Minister of Community Safety, Anroux Marais, strongly condemns the senseless killing of 6 people in the Enkanini Informal settlement in Khayelitsha on Sunday, 20 March 2022. Minister Marais has also welcomed National Minister Bheki Cele’s commitment to increase SAPS support in the area to bring calm, increase safety and to ensure the suspects are brought to book and fully investigated for these heinous crimes.

 Minister Marais said: “As we today commemorate Human Rights Day, I am absolutely devastated by these killings and particularly the violation of the most basic human right to life. While I condemn these murders in the strongest terms, I call on anyone with information regarding these shootings which could assist SAPS in their investigation to immediately come forward and report such either to their local station or by calling Crime Stop on 08600 10111. In the spirit of Human Rights Day, we must all play our part and assist those who are denied the freedoms enshrined in our Bill of Rights in making our communities safer for you and those around you.

 Through its constitutional mandate of oversight, the Department of Community Safety supports Neighbourhood Watches (NHWs) in the community. From September 2020 to date, the Department has supported 32 NHW structures, of which 9 received funding, 14 resources  and 6 received training. We are currently looking to increase this support as the budget and capacity allows”.

 Our thoughts are with the families and loved ones of the deceased during this very difficult time and call on SAPS to leave no stone unturned in their investigation to ensure that those who are guilty face the full might of the law.

 The Western Cape Government aims to halve the murder rate by 2029 through its Provincial Safety Plan. We remain committed to supporting SAPS in their aim of fighting crime and we wholeheartedly thank each SAPS, Law Enforcement, Metro Police, CPF and NHW member who are playing their part in making our communities safer.

Media Enquiries: 

Stacy McLean 
Spokesperson for Anroux Marais
Tel: 021 483 4426
Cell: 083 504 1171