Minister Fritz welcomes report on LEAP successes | Western Cape Government


Minister Fritz welcomes report on LEAP successes

26 October 2021

Today, the Minister of Community Safety, Albert Fritz, welcomes reports of enforcement activities by the Law Enforcement Advancement Programme.

For the week 11 to 18 October 2021, a total of 7507 suspicious persons were searched in the crime hotspots, including 1017 in Nyanga; 894 in Mitchells Plain; 847 in Delft and 812 in Philippi.

In Philippi and Harare, 41 houses were searched in each area; while 54 houses were searched in Kraaifontein, to bring the total number of houses searched to 325.

A total of 661 vehicles were searched in 27 roadblocks, while 115 inspections were conducted at liquor traders’ premises. LEAP officers conducted 116 autonomous operations, while 139 operations were conducted.

Minister Fritz said, “I want to acknowledge the work of the LEAP, represented here by figures which only cover a seven-day period. This means that almost 1000 suspicious persons are searched every day; 94 vehicles were searched every day; 46 houses were searched every day. These are tremendous figures, and they demonstrate the enhancement of visible policing. Remember, the purpose of LEAP is not to solve crime and violence; the purpose of LEAP is to enhance visible policing.”

The activities realized various successes, including a total of 115 people arrested for various crimes, including 67 for being in possession of drugs and 17 for being in possession of a dangerous weapon. Four illegal firearms; 7 imitation firearms; 26 live rounds of ammunition; 10 knives, 2 pangas, 1 machete and 1 axe were amongst the dangerous weapons confiscated. 113 full tablets, 63 half tablets, two quarter tablets and 7 crushed tablets of Mandrax were confiscated; in excess of 114 packets of tik; 2 packet, 12 straws and 21.66g of heroin; as well as one packet of unga was confiscated.

Minister Fritz concluded, “Every single action which reinforced visible policing contributed to safer communities. Every single dangerous weapon or unit of drugs confiscated contributed to safer communities. We thank our LEAP officers for the work that they are doing, and for the difference they are making, to our communities. Keep up the good work.”

Media Enquiries: 


Wade Seale

Spokesperson to Minister Albert Fritz

Tel: 021 483 3781

Cell: 072 889 8122
