Minister Fritz welcomes 134 inspections by WC Liquor Authority over Easter | Western Cape Government


Minister Fritz welcomes 134 inspections by WC Liquor Authority over Easter

6 April 2021
The Minister of Community Safety, Albert Fritz, welcomes the 134 inspections of liquor vendors conducted by the Western Cape Liquor Authority (WCLA) over the week of Easter. 
Between 29 March and 4 April 2021, enforcement operations were held in communities including Cape Town, Nyanga, Parow, Klapmuts, Stellenbosch, Grassy Park, Langebaan, Saldanha, Vredenburg, St Helena Bay and Velddrif. In total, there were:
134 inspections;
14 Liquor Licensing Tribunal (LLT) were requests attended to;
5 complaints were attended to;
54 fines and notices issued; 
13 compliance certificates issued; and 
1 site was found to be non-compliant with Covid-19 Regulations. 
Minister Fritz said, “I wish to commend the WCLA and their inspectors on the enforcement operations conducted over the past week, including the Easter weekend. These efforts go a long way in ensuring that we reduce the harm that alcohol has on our communities, particularly in our most vulnerable communities.” 
Minister Fritz added, “I further wish to give a warm welcome to the five newly appointed Junior Inspectors who officially took up their positions with the Inspectorate and have started with induction training. It is my hope that their appointment will greatly assist in promoting compliance with licensing conditions and mitigating alcohol related harms.”
Western Cape Liquor Authority (WCLA) update: 
Since the beginning of the lockdown on 27 March 2020 to date, the WCLA has conducted 396 enforcement investigations. In total, 97 section 71 matters were placed on the LLT’s case roll, of which:
56 licences were suspended;
23 applications were dismissed;
17 applications were referred to the Prosecutor; and
1 application was withdrawn.
Of the 56 licences that were suspended, 55 section 71(4) return hearings took place, in which:
1 licence was revoked;
52 suspensions were lifted by the LLT;  
2 suspensions were lifted, 1 in the High Court and 1 as part of internal appeal tribunal proceeding; and
1 return hearing is pending.
In total, 99 COVID-19 related section 20 matters were forwarded to the LLT, of which:
3 licences were revoked;
18 applications were dismissed;
In 4 matters, the licensee was issued with stricter conditions;
10 licences were suspended;
1 licence was cancelled; and
22 matters are currently pending.
Minister Fritz said, “In 41 matters, fines totalling at R3.6 million were issued, of which an amount of R1.9 million was suspended for a period of 24 months on condition that the licence holder does not contravene the Act and licence conditions again during this period. Let this serve as a stern warning against contravening the law.” 
Media Enquiries: 

Cayla Ann Tomás Murray
Spokesperson for Minister Albert Fritz
Tel: 021 483 9217
Cell: 064 121 7959