WCLA Update: Minister Fritz welcomes WCLA’s clean audit | Western Cape Government


WCLA Update: Minister Fritz welcomes WCLA’s clean audit

4 November 2020

The Minster of Community Safety, Albert Fritz, welcomes the Auditor Generals findings, noting that the Western Cape Liquor Authority (WCLA) has received its first unqualified audit with no findings or a ‘clean audit’.

Minister Fritz further notes that between 27 March and 30 October 2020, the WCLA conducted 207 investigations into license holders who were allegedly contravening the National Disaster Management Act’s regulations and the Western Cape Liquor Act.

Of the 207 investigations, 83 Section 71 matters were placed on the Liquor Licensing Tribunal’s (LLT) case roll, of which:

  • 49 licences were suspended;
  • 23 applications were dismissed; and
  • 11 applications were reverted to the Prosecutor.

Of the 49 licences that were suspended, 49 Section 71(4) return hearings took place, in which:

  • One licence was revoked after finalisation of a section 20 consideration;
  • 46 suspensions were lifted by the LLT;
  • Two suspensions were lifted, one in the Western Cape High Court and one as part of internal appeal LLT proceedings; and
  • There are no return hearings pending.

Minister Fritz said, “In total, 65 COVID-19 related section 20 matters were forwarded to the LLT of which one licence was revoked, five applications were dismissed and in three matters, the licensee was issued with stricter conditions. Three licences were suspended while one licence was cancelled. In twenty matters, fines to the amount of R2 151 220 were issued, of which an amount of R1 181 220 was suspended for a period of 24 months on condition that the licence holder does not contravene the Act and licence conditions again during this period. There are 32 matters pending.”

Minister Fritz continued, “The WCLA is working hard to prevent alcohol related harms. My Department is the main custodian of the WCLA. As such, I welcome the WCLA’s clean audit as it means that the WCLA are increasingly working to become an independent and self-sustaining organisation.”

Media Enquiries: 

Cayla Ann Tomás Murray
Spokesperson for Minister Albert Fritz
Tel: 021 483 8550
Cell: 064 121 7959
Email: Cayla.murray@westerncape.gov.za