MEDIA ALERT: Minister Plato to conduct solidarity walkabout with Neighbourhood Watches in Kraaifontein
Tonight, Friday 22 September 2017, Western Cape Minister of Community Safety, Dan Plato, will continue his solidarity walkabouts with Neighbourhood Watches (NHWs) as he joins the Kraaifontein Neighbourhood Watches on their patrol of their community.
The solidarity patrol with the Neighbourhood Watches highlight the role each community member can play to launch visible crime prevention strategies in their neighbourhoods in our united effort to help create safer communities.
Tonight’s walkabout is a joint effort by the South African Police Service (SAPS), City of Cape Town Law Enforcement, the eight accredited Neighbourhood Watch structures in the Kraaifontein area as well as 12 NHWs which are still in the process of being accredited.
Participating NHW structures include Zoo Park, Rosanna Street Watch, Kraaifontein Sector 4 B, Peerless Park East, West Side, Belmont Park, Fempark, Scottsville, Cleveland Ultra, Gabriel Court, Langeberg Ridge, Wallacedene, Bloekombos, Northpine, De Nova, Scottsdene, Geveva Court, Winsor Park, Summerville, Diazhome and Mikpunt.
Minister Plato will be joining the more than 100 NHW members who will be taking to the streets in support of safer communities as the patrol Scottsville, Scottsdene, Wallacedene and Bloekombos.
The Western Cape Department of Community Safety’s Neighbourhood Watch division has been nominated as a semi-finalist for the 15th Annual Centre for Public Service Innovation (CPSI) Public Sector Innovation Awards 2017. The CPSI seeks to celebrate success of individuals, teams and departments in striving towards a more effective, efficient and accountable government.
Neighbourhood Watches have the purpose of safeguarding its members and their property against crime and must report to the Minister of Community Safety on safety concerns and crime incidents in the area, the activities of the neighbourhood watch and keep sufficient records of their activities.
There will be an opportunity for photographs and interviews.
Date: Friday, 22 September 2017
Time: 19:00 – 21:00
Venue: Meeting point, Kraaifontein SAPS, Van Riebeeck Road, Kraaifontein
Ewald Botha, Spokesperson for Minister Plato,
Cell: 079 694 1113