Minister Plato launches 2016/17 Provincial PNP consultation sessions in Paarl | Western Cape Government


Minister Plato launches 2016/17 Provincial PNP consultation sessions in Paarl

13 May 2016

Today, Friday 13 May 2016, Western Cape Minister of Community Safety will officially launch the 2016/17 provincial Policing Needs and Priorities (PNP) determination process.

The annual determination of the policing needs and priorities in the province will see the Department of Community Safety hold public consultation sessions for each of the 16 police clusters between May and October this year.

A key feature of the 2016/17 PNP process will be the extensive training provided to Neighbourhood Watches and Community Policing Forums – the pulse of citizen-led safety interventions in our communities.

The engagements will take the format of a two-day consultative workshop and will include representatives of the South African Police Service (SAPS), Municipalities, Community Police Forums (CPFs), Community Safety Forums (CSF), non-governmental organisations, community based organisations, faith based organisations, Neighbourhood Watches (NHW), and other local safety stakeholders.

This weekend, the communities of Cloetesville, Franschhoek, Groot-Drakenstein, Klapmuts, Mbekweni, Paarl, Paarl East, Stellenbosch and Wellington have the opportunity over the two days to contribute to the Safety Plan, as a safety blueprint for communities which provides a shared ownership, responsibility and accountability to safety.

The 2016/17 PNPs builds on the recently released 2015/16 PNP report, and will see all safety stakeholders play a pivotal role in updating the Community Safety Plan for each cluster, determine the specific policing needs and priorities as well workshop the roles and responsibilities of, among other, Community Policing Forums (CPFs) and Neighbourhood Watches (NHW).

There will be an opportunity for photographs and interviews.

Note: All media are invited.

Date: Friday, 13 May 2016
Details: Safety Feedback, PNP Determination and review of Safety Plans
Time: 08:30 – 16:00 – Minister Plato’s opening address at 09:00
Venue: Drakenstein Correctional Facility Hall, R301 between Paarl and Franschhoek

Date: Saturday, 14 May 2016
Details: Workshopping NHW and CPF partnerships, EPP support and CSA
Time: 08:30 – 16:00 (Minister Plato’s opening address at 09:00)
Venue: Drakenstein Correctional Facility Hall, R301 between Paarl and Franschhoek


Media Enquiries: 

Ewald Botha
Spokesperson for Minister Plato
Cell: 079 694 1113